Here in Southwestern Scorpius, near the stars zeta 1 and zeta 2, lies the red
emission nebula IC 4628, amid an extensive area of nebulosity, along
with open clusters NGC 6231 and NGC 6242. On the right is an unnamed
globule, shown on AAT plate #72, which is being eroded by NGC 6231.
Move mouse cursor over image to see labels.
- Objects: IC 4628, NGC 6231, NGC 6242
- Exposure: 90 minutes at f/6.7
- Telescope: Astro-Physics 130 EDF
- Mount: Astro-Physics 600E QMD
- Guiding: SBIG ST-4 @ 700mm
- Camera: Pentax 67
- Film: hypered Kodak PPF 400
- Location: Pearce, AZ
- Date: 23-May-01 00:04 PDT
- Processing: UMAX PowerLook 3000, Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1