Matt BenDaniel, Astrophotographer
Click here
to see a photograph of the photographer.
Year 2006 Events
- Lead photo in feature article "They're Coming" in April 2006 Birder's World.
Year 2005 Events
- RASC Calendar cover, Omega Centauri.
- Farmer's Almanac, Moonbow.
- Book cover illustration for Fireflies by W.L. Hughen.
- Pleiades published in book Eyewitness Companion Astronomy. by Dorling Kindersly.
- Central Milky Way published in Sir Patrick Moore's Sky at Night Magazine.
- Spoke at Stellafane "How to Fit 10,000 Observers into a Ten Foot Dome".
- Spoke at AAVSO annual meeting on "Automated Observation".
Year 2004 Events
- My company SLOOH is well on its
way to becoming a revolution in amateur astronomy. Thousands of
people have subscribed. SLOOH is the world's first and only source
of live deep sky images. Every night we broadcast live images
from our observatory in the Canary Islands.
- Astronomy Calendar, T. Dickinson, Southern Milky Way
- Sky & Telescope, Scorpius, August 2004.
- Night Sky Magazine, Earthshine, July/August, page 55.
- Night Sky Atlas, Dorling Kindersley, NGC 2451
- Sky & Telescope, Earthshine, February
- Sky & Telescope's Beautiful Universe, Omega Centauri
- Beautiful Universe
- Pearson text book.
Year 2003 Events
- Co-founded slooh.com, March.
- Sky & Telescope, November, Article
and Photos on Star Trails
- Sky & Telescope, October, Omega Centauri
- Alex Filippenko, Moonbow, video Understanding The Universe
- Astrographics.com now sells my prints.
- Connecticut Star Party featured speaker, Sep 27.
- Mass Audubon Sanctuary magazine, Cygnus/Cepheus photo, Summer.
- Durham Astronomy Day, Ontario, display, May 10.
- Recorded Books LLC, several images for booklet, Apr.
- Solar Terrestrial Dispatch Image of the Day, Jan 26, Apr 15,
May 22 and Jun 10.
- Boston Museum of Science, Instructor Telescopic Astronomy course,
Year 2002 Events
- "Stellar Link Award" on AstronomyLinks.com,
December 1.
- Two images in Backyard
Astronomers Guide published Moonbow, November.
- Cover photograph Sky & Telescope, December (Central Milky
Way). Also two images in Gallery including one full page (Milky
Way Star clouds).
- Several images in book by Pedro
Ré Fotografar o céu.
- Astrophotography Seminar, Boston Museum of Science, November
- Published "Planning an Astro-Imaging Expedition" article
with images in Sky & Telescope, November.
- Contributed four images to RASC Observer's Calendar 2003.
- Presentation at Stellafane,
Aug 9-10
- Sky &
Telescope published image of Veil
Nebula in September issue
- Newton
magazine published Moonbow
in June issue
- Exhibition at Elizabeth Grady, June
- Astrophotography Expedition to Vicuña, Chile April 7-20
- BACS Benefit Art Show, April 7
- Presentation to Royal
Astronomical Society of Canada, May 25
- Presentation to Astronomical
Society of Northern New England, Mar 1
- Gallery featured on http://PhotographyTips.com,
- Sky & Telescope
Magazine published 2500-word article "Improving Astrophotos
with Photoshop’s Curves” with NGC
7000 and M31 images,
- Sky & Telescope
Magazine published Earthshine
in Gallery, February
- ASHLists
site of the day, January 7
- Wright
Center Link of the Week, January
- Weatherwise
Magazine published Moonbow
as two-page lead in "Colors of the Sky", January
Year 2001 Events
- Sky & Telescope
Magazine published Omega
Centauri in article "My Favorite Deep Sky Objects", Oct.
- Signed on to BCI
stock photography agency in August
- Sold "M33" and "Virgo
Cluster" to Prentice Hall for Astronomy
Today textbook, Aug.
August/September, Feature Article "Anti-Vignetting
Layer" with photos
- NASA Astronomy
Picture of the Day "Moonbow",
- Mac's Picks of the Week, 19-June-01
- Sky & Telescope
Magazine, August Gallery (page 140), "Moonbow"
- Sky & Telescope
Magazine, July Gallery (page 140), "Heart
Nebula (IC 1805)"
- Yahoo! Pick,
June 11
- NASA Astronomy
Picture of the Day "Virgo
Galaxy Cluster"
- Book
Cover Photograph "Virgo
Galaxy Cluster", 26-Jan-01
- Cover
of Astronomical Notices "Virgo
Galaxy Cluster"
June/July, Front Cover, Feature Article "Field Techniques" and
6 Photos
April/May, Feature Article "Portable Astrophotography"
- Telescopic
Astronomy Course Instructor, Boston Museum of Science, Spring
and Fall
- Astronomy Day Exhibitor, Boston
Museum of Science
Year 2000 Events
Current Equipment
- Astro-Physics 130 EDF and A-P Traveler OTAs
- Astro-Physics 600E GTO and Losmandy GM-8 mounts
- Pentax 67 and Olympus OM cameras and lenses
- SBIG STV and ST-4 autoguiders
- UMAX PowerLook 3000 scanner
Member, Amateur Telescope Makers of Boston
Member, International Dark Sky Association
Member, The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
I am indebted to John Boudreau, Sean Walker, Gary Walker, Daniel Verschatse, Mitch Sayare, and Kristi Stone.