The core of M33 can be seen with the naked eye in a dark sky. It is the most
distant object that can be seen with the naked eye, excepting supernovae.
- Object: Galaxy M33 in Triangulum
- Distance: 2.7 million light years
- Diameter: 60,000 light years
- Exposures: 90m @ f/6.75 + 75m @ f/9
- Telescope: Astro-Physics 180 EDT
- Mount: Paramount GT1100S
- Guiding: SBIG STV
- Camera: Olympus OM-1
- Film: hypered Kodak PPF 400
- Location: Mayhill, NM
- Date: 26-Sep-00 04:03, 22:43 MDT
- Conditions: transparency 4/10, seeing 4/10, 6.5 LVM, 60° F, 5 MPH
- Processing: Polaroid SprintScan 4000, Auriga Imaging RegiStar 1.0.6, Adobe Photoshop 6.0.1, SGBNR