The conditions at my home are usually terrible for astrophotography.
Typically the limiting visual magnitude is 3 or 3.5. On this night
the transparency was excellent, and I could see mag 4 stars even
southward over the city of Boston (less than 5 miles away), where
the constellation of Orion was. There was also a five day old moon
in the constellation of Taurus, near Orion.
The field of view of this lens is about 17° across, and this
is the full frame.
What's notable about this image of Southern Orion is how many jets
flew through the field of view in a short period of time. This was
supposed to be just a focus test, so I didn't worry too much about
the trails.
- Title: Friendly Skies
- Exposure: 12 minutes @ f/5.6
- Mount: Astro-Physics 600E QMD
- Camera: Pentax 67
- Lens: Pentax 300mm SMC f4
- Film: Provia 100F
- Location: Boston, MA
- Date: 19-Mar-03 19:41 EST
- Conditions: transparency 8, seeing 6, LVM 4, 20F, RH 35%
- Processing: UMAX PowerLook 3000, RegiStar 1.0.6, Adobe Photoshop