- Object: Comet LINEAR C/1999 S4
- Distance: 35,000,000 miles
- Tail Length Visible Here: 600,000 miles
- Field of View: 1.2° x 1.5°
- Exposure: 15 min. @ f/5.6 with Tokai LPS filter
- Lens: Tele Vue 85mm f/7 APO refractor with 0.8x reducer/flattener
- Mount: Losmandy GM-8 (DSBS, DR108/DMM, DR90/DMM)
- Guiding: SBIG ST-4 @ 700mm (EA3.0, B4, BAF)
- Camera: Olympus OM-1
- Film: Kodak PJ400
- Location: Deerfield, NH
- Exposure Start: 23 July 00 22:25 EDT
- Object position: 10:40, +46:27 ???
- Visual magnitude: 6.3
- Processing: scanned with Polaroid SprintScan 4000, processed in Adobe Photoshop 5.5
The close up shot was obtained by stacking three images in Photoshop.